Monday, September 24, 2012


Have you ever been with someone who is always taking pictures? They take pictures of you and they take pictures of the activity you are doing together whether that is walking the dog or eating at a restaurant. When they are eating at a restaurant with you, they often take pictures of their food, your food, the menus and they want the waitress to take a picture of you and them, or the group you are with, before you go from the table. They are the person that says “Hey let’s take a picture together” or “Go stand over there, and (insert clever pose idea here).” They are also many times, the person who will stop a stranger walking by and ask “Would you mind taking a picture of us, please?” Pictures…constantly. Sometimes it annoys you, irritates you, and even embarrasses you. Well let me just say that I have had that time in my life where I have been annoyed by too many pictures, and now, after that chapter in my life, I cherish those photos of that time in my past. If I hadn’t had those people that snapped pictures all the time, I may not have the pictures of those important times in my life. So after realizing how important pictures can be, I became one of those people, yes, the kind of person described above.

I take pictures. Or let’s say it this way…I snatch up moments in time that will never happen the exact same way ever again and keep them forever. If I don’t capture them to reminisce on later, that moment may be gone, never to be remembered or thought of again. Our life is made up day to day and those days are made up by little moments, and so many of those moments, even those that seem mundane at the time, are as unique as snowflakes; there is never one exactly the same. They may seem like everyday moments to you now, but when you are in a completely different place in five years, those pictures will have captured a totally different chapter in your life.

So I take pictures when I am with you. Well, first of all I am done apologizing for taking so many pictures. Second, you should feel honored and you should feel loved. If I am taking pictures of a day on the beach with you, a walk around the lake, a hike to a waterfall, or a nice dinner we are enjoying together that means I cherish the moment enough to capture it and not let it go. I cherish life and if I am hanging out with you, you are probably a pretty big part of my life, so no I am not sorry I am walking slower because I am capturing the flowers we are passing by or the views that take my breath away that will sometime later remind me of that special moment in life’s journey that I shared with you.

So with that said, please don’t make me feel like I am inconveniencing you by taking time to capture the moment I get to spend with you. Sure there are stalkers with cameras out there, but I am not one of them. I take pictures of the people I care for and of the things that go with those moments we share together. It is my way of remembering who I was with, what we were doing, and the whole atmosphere that went along with the event. I tend to forget so much, even in my young age of 24, and I just want to remember the moments that make up my days, that make up my life. I want to remember you, and who you are right now so that when I am not with you I can look at pictures and remember the fun times we had. I want to remember you, because you mean something to me. I want to remember the pelicans I saw with you or the way you looked lost in thought on the beach. I want to remember the wooden shack that you and I and too many other people slept in one cold spring night. I want to remember the picnic we had by the beautiful winding mountain river. I want to remember the crazy hot dish you made at our Christmas party that changed my taste buds forever. I want to remember the special yummy things that come off of our stove or out of our oven that we make together. I want to remember you; I want to remember the place, the environment, the feelings, and the moment.

So if you have someone in your life that takes lots of pictures, you are very blessed. You are blessed to have someone in your life that takes pictures of the times you have together. The events, the activities, hanging out, everyday occurrences…you are blessed that someone cares enough about your time together to take a lasting image of the moments you will never ever have again.


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for reminding me how important it is!

    1. Awe, Thank you! I love that I have a best friend that will be my first comment on my first blog!! :-)

  2. There are many missing memories of mine, simply because I would avoid the camera at all costs. But after putting together your graduation slideshow, I realized to my dismay, that I could find only a few photographs here and there that showed me in your life. It was then I decided to put aside my foolish pride, (for it was my dislike of seeing me that would keep me out), and live for that moment, so that I might look back some day & be able to remember I was there.

    You do have a way with words little princess. I look forward to your accounts on this life and the times we live in. :-)

  3. You are absolutely the most fantastic girl I know. I love when you take pictures and really enjoy spending the moments all over again sitting right next to you reminiscing while reviewing those same clips of frozen time. I look forward to many more clever pose ideas with you.
