Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stetsons and Stilettos 5-3-14

This evening Dustin and I volunteered at the Hospice of the Ozarks Charity event, Stetson's and Stilettos. We got to Stone Creek Ranch at about 3 in the afternoon, got fed dinner, pet some horses and were assigned jobs. I was helping our friend Lindsey with the Vegan option for the menu and Dustin was busing and serving and really just running around doing whatever was needed. They had a live auction after dinner which was pretty fun to see. We helped with the silent auction and live auction check outs. Then I got to take a break so I grabbed a drink and sat on an empty bench and just watched couples slow dance in the glowing lights that lit up the dance floor. I wish I would have had my camera with me for that picture, but sometimes, some moments are to good to be busy taking pictures anyway. As people started trickling out we started cleaning up the tables and ultimately taking the chairs down and making the job as easy as possible for the clean up crew on Sunday. We didn't get out of there until midnight, we were so exhausted, our feet hurt and I haven't had that much fun in a while. Not trying to "toot my own horn" but I seriously LOVE to volunteer. It just gives me this high that I just can't explain. I wish I had just a good stream of money coming in so that I didn't have to work and could just volunteer every day, ok or at least way more than I get to now. It was great also, to be reminded of the special character my husband is made of. The way he just did whatever was needed and just wanted to help, made me fall in love with that sweet man all over again. Just such a great evening!

The pictures below are just taken on Dustin's iPhone, because I didn't have big enough pockets tonight to keep my camera with me!

Right as everyone was getting there, didn't they decorate it so pretty!?

The table arrangements
Sweet decorations on the wall..

My kind hearted husband :-)
My sweet friend Lindsey

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